FEX 技术周刊 - 2016/12/05
Velocity China 2016:构建弹性系统 - 12.01-12.02
2016年OSC北京源创会年终盛典 - 12.04
V8 Release 5.6
V8 version 5.6, which will be in beta until it is released in coordination with Chrome 56 Stable in several weeks. V8 5.6 is filled will all sorts of developer-facing goodies, so we’d like to give you a preview of some of the highlights in anticipation of the release: Ignition and TurboFan pipeline for ES.next (and more) shipped; Performance improvements; WebAssembly browser preview;
Amazon States Language
This document describes a JSON-based language used to describe state machines declaratively. The state machines thus defined may be executed by software. In this document, the software is referred to as “the interpreter”.
GitChat - 从前端 Leader 到 客户端 Leader
来自美团大前端技术负责人 Rank 大叔在 GitChat 上的交流,设计到端相关的技术以、团队管理、个人成长等内容,精彩不容错过,请大家微信扫描打开。GitChat 最近挺火的,挺有意思的一个产品。这么多有价值的信息,不能在微信生态外传播,挺遗憾的。
如何看待民工叔因为 Teambition 是 React 技术栈而离职
The State of Front-End Tooling 2016 - Results
Writing Native Node.js Modules - Node.js at Scale
There are times when the performance of JavaScript is not enough, so you have to depend more on native Node.js modules. While native extensions are definitely not a beginner topic, I’d recommend this article for every Node.js developer to get a bit of knowledge on how they work.
The Most Common XSS Vulnerability in React.js Applications
People are often drawn towards using React.js thanks to the benefits of isomorphic (or universal) rendering. That is, the ability to render your single page application on the server-side, send the html to the client and have the client become interactive without having to re-rendering the entire page.
JavaScript Developers: Watch Your Language
了解下 JS 语言规范的 API 的不同阶段,对决定在项目中改用哪些新 feature 有参考意义。
第68期百度技术沙龙邀请了百度输入法团队的研发工程师们,从三个方面解析百度输入法移动端输入技术,包括对 iOS 输入法启动速度和内存的优化措施;AI 在手写引擎中的应用,输入体验的提升;以及智能语音输入的技术核心,实现方式,优化细节等。
技术体系指社会中各种技术之间相互作用、相互联系、按一定目的、一定结构方式组成的技术整体。技术体系是科技生产力的一种具体形。结合前端研发的特点,一个完备的技术体系应当包括流程规范(涵盖开发、构建、部署、运行的各个阶段)、技术工具栈(技术选型和基础工具设施)、构建工具栈、自动化测试、部署流程和部署平台、监控体系(错误监控、性能监控、业务监控、服务监控)。另附:美团大众点评 Hybrid 化建设 。
[译]前端 MVC 已死吗?
有许多种不同的方式来实现下划线,你也许还记得 Crafting link underlines on Medium 这篇文章。Medium也不是想做什么疯狂的事情,他们只是想让他们的文字下面好看一点。这是一条基本的下划线,它大小合适。绝对比浏览器的默认样式好看的多。所以,看上去Medium为了实现这个效果也经历了许多困难。两年后,实现一个好看的下划线依然一样困难
The magic behind styled-components
Utilising tagged template literals (a recent addition to JavaScript) and the power of CSS, styled-components allows you to write actual CSS code to style your components. It also removes the mapping between components and styles – using components as a low-level styling construct could not be easier! styled-components is compatible with both React (for web) and ReactNative – meaning it’s the perfect choice even for truly universal apps! See the ReactNative section for more information
Scoped Selectors for Redux Modules
Namely, the reusability of selectors when using Redux in applications with more complex state and decomposed reducers (using combineReducers() vs a single, top-level reducer). Specifically, I’ve been trying to determine how to have selectors, defined parallel with their related reducer, that work on both the localized state and the global state.
What’s New in HTML 5.1
While HTML 5.1 was still in development, the W3C has already started working on a draft of HTML 5.2 which is expected to be released in late 2017. In the meantime, here’s an overview of some of the interesting new features and improvements introduced in 5.1. Browser support is still lacking for these features but we’ll refer you to at least some browsers which can be used to test each example.
Service Worker, what are you ?
总结了 Service Worker 的典型使用场景:Interact with Cache; Send Push Notification; Run Background Sync;
I made an iPhone game with PhoneGap and I’ll never do it again
I’m never going to develop a webview app again. Not having to learn a new language was great, but it wasn’t worth the performance hit and quirks I encountered along the way. The fact that I should be able to easily port this to Android and other platforms is nice too, but I’m sure those platforms are going to have their own quirks and performance problems. If you’re thinking about developing a game like this, just do yourself a favor and go native instead. You won’t regret it.
How Font Awesome 5 Became Kickstarter’s Most Funded Software Project
The Font Awesome 5 Kickstarter raised $1,076,940 with 35,549 backers, making it the most funded and most backed software Kickstarter of all time (and if you haven’t seen the video yet, please take a moment to watch just below — we genuinely think you’ll get a chuckle out of it).
HPACK: the silent killer (feature) of HTTP/2
If you have experienced HTTP/2 for yourself, you are probably aware of the visible performance gains possible with HTTP/2 due to features like stream multiplexing, explicit stream dependencies, and Server Push. This blog post gives an overview of the reasons for the development of HPACK, and the hidden bandwidth and latency benefits it brings.
Svelte • The magical disappearing UI framework
If you’ve ever built a JavaScript application, the chances are you’ve encountered – or at least heard of – frameworks like React, Angular, Vue and Ractive. Like Svelte, these tools all share a goal of making it easy to build slick interactive user interfaces. But Svelte has a crucial difference: rather than interpreting your application code at run time, your app is converted into ideal JavaScript at build time. That means you don’t pay the performance cost of the framework’s abstractions, or incur a penalty when your app first loads.
InfernoJS – a JavaScript library for building powerful user interfaces
Inferno is an insanely fast, 7kb React-like library for building high-performance user interfaces on both the client and server. Inferno aims to provide all the great benefits that React does, plus other great features for people already familiar with the React ecosystem, such as: lifecycle events on functional components, server side render streams, better real-world performance, lower memory consumption and faster parse/load times.
IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Mozilla and NodeSource Join Forces on Node.js API
Today, we are excited to announce several initial milestones in these efforts. The first is centered around Node.js API (ABI Stable Module API or NAPI for short), which is focused on defining a stable module API that is independent from changes in V8. 另附:Node-ChakraCore and VM Neutrality in Node.js
Show HN: Antd – A set of high-quality React components
Antd 被国际同行广泛关注,欢迎大家在后台系统中使用。
毫秒服务引擎(Mass Service Engine in Cluster)是一个开源框架,适用于在廉价机器组成的集群上开发和运营分布式后台服务。毫秒服务引擎集RPC、名字发现服务、负载均衡、业务监控、灰度发布、容量管理、日志管理、key-value存储于一体。毫秒服务引擎的创作冲动和构建经验,来自QQ后台团队超过10年的运营思考。它是一整套解决方案,但也可以拆分的来使用其中的监控、key-value存储单品。
The first release candidate of Redis 4.0 is out
But well, finally with 4.0 we got a lot of these stuff done… and here is the list of the big ones, with a few details and pointers to learn more. Modules. Replication version 2. Cache eviction improvements. Non blocking DEL and FLUSHALL/FLUSHDB. Mixed RDB-AOF persistence format. Redis Cluster is now NAT / Docker compatible. The new MEMORY command. 另附:Redis + Node.js: Introduction to Caching
Running ReactOS in a Web Browser
Recently it became possible to run ReactOS in any modern web-browser thanks to the x86 virtual machine Virtual x86. The VM is written in JavaScript and works well not only in your browser but also in NodeJS.
Grafana 4.0 - Beautiful metric & analytic dashboards
Grafana provides a powerful and elegant way to create, explore, and share dashboards and data with your team and the world. Grafana is most commonly used for visualizing time series data for Internet infrastructure and application analytics but many use it in other domains including industrial sensors, home automation, weather, and process control.
MultiPicker - A Flexible Picker for Mobile
Jq – Work with JSON on the command line
jq is like sed for JSON data - you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk, grep and friends let you play with text. 另附:JSON-Splora: GUI for Editing, Visualizing, and Manipulating JSON Data
frp is a fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet. Now, it supports tcp, http and https protocol when requests can be forwarded by domains to backward web services.
The first 100% native JavaScript automaticaly synchronizing object database with a SQL like syntax (JOQULAR) and swapable persistence engines for the browser or NodeJS . ReasonDB also supports JSON projections or live object result sets, asynchronous cursors, streaming analytics, 18 built-in predicates (including soundex and RegExp matching), in…
Cyclotron: A web application for constructing dashboards
Cyclotron is a browser-based platform for creating dashboards. It provides standard boilerplate and plumbing, allowing non-programmers to easily create and edit dashboards using customizable components. It has a built-in dashboard editor, and hosts the dashboards directly. Dashboards are defined declaratively as a JSON document, which contains all the properties required to render the Dashboard.
Advanced Data Tables in React
In React there is a handful of options for building data tables. Here are the ones we looked at: react-data-grid; react-virtualized FlexTable; react-datagrid; fixed-data-table; ag-grid.
The Lua VM, on the Web
This is an experiment in running Lua on the web, by porting the Lua C implementation to JavaScript using Emscripten.
Int64 and Uint64 Now Stage 1 Proposals
Int64 & Uint64 are now Stage 1 proposals for an ECMA-262 future edition
Crypto 101 is an introductory course on cryptography, freely available for programmers of all ages and skill levels.
AnyBar: OS X menubar status indicator
AnyBar is a small indicator for your menubar that does one simple thing: it displays a colored dot. What the dot means and when to change it is up to you.
Customize your G Suite experience with App Maker and Recommended apps
App Maker is a low-code, application development tool that lets you quickly build and deploy custom apps tailored to your organization’s needs. Whether you’re looking for better ways to onboard new team members, staff projects, or approve employee travel requests, App Maker helps you build an app for that in days instead of months.
亚马逊 CTO:云架构师都应该知道的六大定律
技术人生打怪升级的攻略秘籍 - 君山
介绍新人成长中遇到的一些技巧性的问题,从两个维度介绍新人成长过程中(从普通的工程师到架构师,从架构师再到技术TL)如何从内在思维上提升自己。 另附:十年工龄的程序员为你揭示最危害程序员职业生涯的三大观念 、技术的成长曲线 。