FEX 技术周刊 - 2017/05/15
Microsoft Build 2017
今年的 Build 大会亮点非常多,信息量很大,看得出来巨人正在苏醒。
附:A Developer’s Perspective on Microsoft’s /BUILD Announcements
Announcing the new webpack CLI
After getting feedback from the community about webpack being hard to get started with, we listened and decided to re-envision the CLI for webpack. Although much of the logic from the old CLI was kept, a set of new features have been added: init and migrate.
Here comes Treble: A modular base for Android
On the Android team, we view each dessert release as an opportunity to make Android better for our users and our ecosystem partners. One thing we’ve consistently heard from our device-maker partners is that updating existing devices to a new version of Android is incredibly time consuming and costly. With Android O, we’ve been working very closely with device makers and silicon manufacturers to take steps toward solving this problem, and we’re excited to give you a sneak peek at Project Treble, the biggest change to the low-level system architecture of Android to date.
Writing Secure Node.js Code
In his presentation, Danny Grander walked us through hacking a vulnerable Node.js application, as well as looking in-depth into three different vulnerabilities in popular npm packages.
Node.js Post-Mortem Diagnostics & Debugging
In this chapter of Node.js at Scale we will take a look at node-report, a core project which aims to help you to do post-mortem diagnostics & debugging.
Keeping the Node.js core small
My hope is that people will look more critically at new feature proposals, and also consider how many of their own personal annoyances with the Node.js API (you know you have them!) would have been easily fixable if the API had been published as a well-managed npm package.
Quantum Up Close: What is a browser engine?
We actually shipped our first significant piece of Quantum just last month with Firefox 53. But, we realize that for people who don’t build web browsers, it can be hard to see just why some of the changes we’re making to Firefox are so significant. With this in mind, we’re kicking off a series of blog posts to provide a deeper look at just what it is we’re doing with Project Quantum. We hope that this series of posts will give you a better understanding of how Firefox works, and the ways in which Firefox is building a next-generation browser engine made to take better advantage of modern computer hardware.
An Abridged Cartoon Introduction To WebAssembly
There’s a lot of hype about WebAssembly in JavaScript circles today. People talk about how blazingly fast it is, and how it’s going to revolutionize web development. But most conversations don’t go into the details of why it’s fast. In this article, I want to help you understand what exactly it is about WebAssembly that makes it fast.
Building a Full-Sphere 3D Image Gallery with React VR
Today we want to use React VR to build a viewer for spherical images. The gallery will have four buttons to swap the images, that will work with the mouse and or VR headset. You can download the equirectangular images as well as the button graphics here. Last but not least, we will take a look at how animations work with React VR by adding a simple button transition.
Yes, React is taking over front-end development. The question is why.
Here are a few reasons why React has become so popular so quickly.
Idiomatic Redux
对 Redux 有兴趣的同学可以关注这一系列文章。
CSS 变量教程
这个重要的 CSS 新功能,所有主要浏览器已经都支持了。本文全面介绍如何使用它,你会发现原生 CSS 从此变得异常强大。
根据3月18日DevOpsDays·Beijing大会上全球公认的 DevOps 之父 Patrick Debois 的演讲整理而成。
这也是 Patrick Debois 首度在中国传递他的 DevOps 的理念和经验
在习惯了获取数据、分析数据、得出结论,并且可视化的流程后,我们开始思考这么做的意义究竟是什么?仅仅是为了得出某个结论吗?这个结论和现实的出入又代表了什么?我们能否探究得出数据的本质?TED 嘉宾Giorgia Lupi经由她的个人经历,为大家介绍她的别样数据可视化之旅,看看是不是能给我们一些新的不一样的启发呢?
The End of Web Forms
Web forms are annoying, inefficient and they fill people with dread. Does anybody actually like filling out web forms? Nevertheless, they are a “necessary evil” that can make or break some of the most critical online interactions. Web forms are still mostly based on old paper forms—zombie leftovers of system-centric UIs (vs. user-centric). It’s been thirty years and we’re still typing the same information into forms over and over again.
Have Web Standards on Mobile Caught Up to Phonegap in 2017
In this article I’m going to look at the list of core plugins supported by PhoneGap/Cordova and discuss their status in terms of pure web browser support. I’ll also touch on a few other items outside that core list as well. Obviously there’s more than what I’ll be covering here, but the idea is to take stock of where we are, where we’re heading, and plan for the future.
The History Of Uber Engineering’s Android Codebase Organization
In this article, she expands on the reasons behind Uber’s decision to build a monorepo to support the growth of our Android development.
The Many Meanings of Event-Driven Architecture
Martin Fowler 的一个演讲。For a topic, I decided to go into the results of ThoughtWorks’s Event-Driven architecture summit that I wrote some notes on earlier this year. The talk expands on those, explaining the four patterns that we felt were a better way of talking about these architectures.
Neural Network-Generated Illustrations in Allo
Today, Google is introducing a feature in Allo that uses a combination of neural networks and the work of artists to turn your selfie into a personalized sticker pack. Simply snap a selfie, and it’ll return an automatically generated illustrated version of you, on the fly, with customization options to help you personalize the stickers even further.
TrafficShift: Load Testing at Scale
In this post, we will discuss our disaster recovery strategy, including TrafficShift, the architecture that enables us to move live production traffic across data centers, and the processes we use everyday to keep improving our availability.
Opera is Reborn
Earlier this year we also presented Opera Neon, a concept browser that gave you a glimpse into the future of desktop browsers. Now, the best parts of Neon are being brought to the new Opera browser, codenamed Reborn. It’s time to rethink the browser.
Google is developing a mysterious new mobile operating system called Fuchsia
Google seems to be building a replacement for Android called Fuchsia. Yesterday, they revealed what their new Armadillo user interface looks like.
Microsoft - Project Glimpse · Full-stack Node.js web diagnostics
Glimpse is an experimental npm package that gives you in-depth insights about the client and server sides of your Node.js apps. More efficient debugging means faster development. Best of all, it’s free.
Jest 20: Delightful Testing & Multi-Project-Runner
Jest 20 has twice the amount of changes compared to the previous version, features a complete rewrite of the test runner, adds new testing APIs. The new release enables a new level of customization and configuration for projects all while making it effortless to upgrade. Beyond Painless JavaScript Testing, we believe Jest is now delivering a Delightful JavaScript Testing experience.
Element React
饿了么推出的 UI 库的 React 版本
暗色风格的 CSS UI 库
Britecharts is a client-side reusable Charting Library based on D3.js v4 that allows easy and intuitive use of charts and components that can be composed together creating amazing visualizations.
Node.js Compiler
Compiling your Node.js application into a single executable.
Insomnia REST Client
The most intuitive cross-platform REST API Client.
Things to Use Instead of JWT
You might have heard that you shouldn’t be using JWT. That advice is correct - you really shouldn’t use it. In general, specifications that allow the attacker to choose the algorithm for negotiation have more problems than ones that don’t (see TLS).
Butternut is significantly faster than other JavaScript minifiers, and works with the latest version of JavaScript (ES2015, aka ES6, and beyond). It’s typically around 3x faster than UglifyJS with default minify options, and 10-15x faster than Babili.
A PWA directory, focusing on collecting PWA best practices and examples.
Runtyper is a Babel plugin for runtime type-checking of JavaScript code. 这是作者的一个推广文:Analyzing React’s Source Code for Type Mismatch Operations
Icons for everything
Nearly a million curated icons, created by a global community.
Gallery of programmer interfaces
These images bear witness to the passionate work of so many people striving to improve programming.
How To Create Native Cross-Platform Apps With Fuse
腾讯向外推出了自研的图片压缩格式TPG(Tiny Portable Graphics),并且相关技术已经向国家知识产权局申请了专利保护。也就是说,腾讯创造了一个名叫 TPG 的新图片格式。从数据上看,在同样质量下 TPG 图片格式的文件大小要小于 JPG/JPEG、PNG、GIF、WEBP 等业界主流的图片格式,处于世界领先水平。
MapD Open Sources GPU-Powered Database
CockroachDB 1.0 is Production-Ready
We are pleased to announce the release of CockroachDB 1.0, the first open source, cloud-native SQL database. We’re also announcing a series B fundraise from investors who share our vision. The launch of 1.0 marks our graduation from beta to a production-ready database, designed to power business at any scale from the startup to the enterprise.
Apache Cordova 7.0.0
另 NativeScript 3.0 Available
Introducing Stack Overflow Trends
We’re introducing the Stack Overflow Trends tool to track interest in programming languages and technologies, based on the number of Stack Overflow questions asked per month. For example, we could compare the relative usage of three programming languages.
From Idea To Development: How To Write Mobile Application Requirements That Work
In this article, we will outline the most common approaches to writing requirements documents. You will learn the basic steps of writing mobile application requirements and what a good requirements document looks like.
A plan for open source software maintainer
I’ve been writing open source software for about 15 years now; while I’m still wet behind the ears compared to FreeBSD greybeards like Kirk McKusick and Poul-Henning Kamp, I’ve been around for long enough to start noticing some patterns.