FEX 技术周刊 - 2018/05/14
Microsoft Build & Google IO
IO:在 Google 刚发布的黑科技背后,还有些更重要的东西、Google I/O 2018有哪些亮点、Build the future of the web with modern JavaScript、Google I/O Developer Roundup: What’s New?、The State of the Web at Google I/O 2018、Tech’s Two Philosophies
Build: 微软 Build 大会回顾、Microsoft’s Project Ink Analysis lets developers add handwriting recognition to their apps、Azure Machine Learning, JavaScript Custom Functions, and Power BI Custom Visuals Further Expand Developers Capabilities with Excel、Microsoft 365 and the Future of App Development
Introducing Guess.js - a toolkit for enabling data-driven user-experiences on the Web
Guess.js is a collection of libraries & tools for enabling data-driven user-experience on the web. With Guess.js we want to explore the application of data-analytics driven approach to user experience in: Single-page applications, Framework-based static sites, Static content sites, Enterprise sites.
The Economics of Writing a Technical Book
I am not an expert. I have co-authored a single book in 2017 called Cloud Native Infrastructure for O’Reilly Media. Many people have asked me what it was like so I will attempt to explain the process, time investment, and financial incentive here. This was my experience. If you have written a book, or would like to, I promise your experience will be different. Nonetheless, I hope you can learn something from the things I learned.
Welcome to the immersive web
The immersive web means virtual world experiences hosted through the browser. This covers entire virtual reality (VR) experiences surfaced in the browser or in VR enabled headsets like Google’s Daydream, Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR, HTC Vive, and Windows Mixed Reality Headsets, as well as augmented reality experiences developed for AR-enabled mobile devices.
Why Flutter Will Change Mobile Development for the Best
If you’re an Android developer, you may have heard of Flutter. It’s a relatively new, supposedly simple framework designed for making cross-platform native apps. It’s not the first of its kind, but it’s being used by Google, giving its claims some credence. Despite my initial reservations upon hearing about it, I decided on a whim to give it a chance — and it dramatically changed my outlook on mobile development within a weekend. Here is what I learned. 附:Building a mobile frontend for a Go application using Flutter
Supporting React Native at Pinterest
Early last year, a small group of engineers started investigating the possibility of adopting React Native at Pinterest. We’ve been following the ecosystem with interest since it was first open-sourced in 2015. Since then, a robust community has developed around it, and it’s been integrated by companies across the industry. We decided to take a serious look at what the business case is for using this technology at Pinterest.
React Context API — A Replacement for Redux?
Convert a React App that uses Redux for State Management to use React’s New Context API
my struggle to learn react
I’m going to be honest: I’ve had a hell of a time getting my head around React. More than any other technology I’ve touched over the last 10 years of my career, I just haven’t had it click for me. It’s very frustrating as I really want to learn it, and it’s clear the library has legs. 附:A response “my Struggle to learn react”
精读《async/await 是把双刃剑》
终于,async/await 也被吐槽了。Aditya Agarwal 认为 async/await 语法让我们陷入了新的麻烦之中。
老树发新芽—使用 mobx 加速你的 AngularJS 应用
New CSS Features That Are Changing Web Design
The design landscape has changed completely. We’re equipped with new and powerful tools — CSS Grid, CSS custom properties, CSS shapes and CSS writing-mode, to name a few — that we can use to exercise our creativity.
Google YOLO clickjacking
YOLO (You Only Login Once) is a web widget for “One-tap sign-up and auto sign-in on websites” by Google. You embed Google provided iframe on your websites and your users can authenticate with their Google account in one simple click. Ironically, “web widgets” and “one click” is indeed YOLO (You Only Live Once). Remember the cookie consent button you clicked at the very beginning? That’s right, it was a Clickjacking attempt :).
npm audit
: identify and fix insecure dependencies
npm audit is a new command that performs a moment-in-time security review of your project’s dependency tree. Audit reports contain information about security vulnerabilities in your dependencies and can help you fix a vulnerability by providing simple-to-run npm commands and recommendations for further troubleshooting.
Server side architecture with Node and Typescript using Nest
The modularity may become a problem when you want to follow an specific architecture or patterns. That kind of problem raise when you are involved on large-scale projects with distributed teams. Well, I have found the solution in Nest, which provide out-of-box a server side architecture with Node and Typescript.
The Various Kinds of IO - Blocking, Non-blocking, Multiplexed and Async
I’ve found it was particularly hard to demystify the various kinds of IO that are now offered to software programmers. There is a lot of confusion out there about what are the differences between blocking, non-blocking, multiplexed and async IO. So I thought I’d give a shot at clarifying what each of these kind of IO entails.
SRE vs. DevOps: competing standards or close friends?
Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) and DevOps are two trending disciplines with quite a bit of overlap. In the past, some have called SRE a competing set of practices to DevOps. But we think they’re not so different after all.
Google Duplex: An AI System for Accomplishing Real-World Tasks Over the Phone
A new technology for conducting natural conversations to carry out “real world” tasks over the phone. The technology is directed towards completing specific tasks, such as scheduling certain types of appointments. For such tasks, the system makes the conversational experience as natural as possible, allowing people to speak normally, like they would to another person, without having to adapt to a machine.
Netflix Research Website
We’re pleased to announce that we’ve launched a new website at research.netflix.com that provides an overview of the research that we do here at Netflix. We have many amazing researchers working on a variety of hard problems and are happy to share some of our work with the world.
Introducing the Checks API, a better way to connect integrations and code
he Checks API allows you to build sophisticated tools for continuous integration (CI), linting, and acceptance testing on GitHub. 附:Announcing support for the GitHub Checks API on travis-ci.com
Firefox 60
Firefox 60 offers something for everyone and a little something extra for everyone who deploys Firefox in an enterprise environment. Linux sandboxing improvements in Firefox 60、Firefox 60 – Modules and More
How You Can Start Contributing to Node.js Today
Contributing To MDN Web Docs
React components that implement Google’s Material Design.
A simple and lightweight library to realize visual DOM Selections. No jQuery. Supports any CSS library
In WarriorJS, you wear the skin of a warrior climbing a tall tower to reach The JavaScript Sword at the top level. Legend has it that the sword bearer becomes enlightened in the JavaScript language, but be warned: the journey will not be easy. On each floor, you need to write JavaScript to instruct the warrior to battle enemies, rescue captives, and reach the stairs alive…
A whirlwind tour of React state management systems by example
React Reduction
Free Admin Template Built with React and Bootstrap4
Impact is an HTML5 Game Engine.
RadonDB is an open source, Cloud-native MySQL database for unlimited scalability and performance.
Ultradom is a minimal view layer for building declarative web user interfaces. What’s in the bundle? A virtual DOM diff engine, keyed-based node reconciliation, element-level lifecycle events and browser support all the way back to IE9. Mix it with your favorite state management library or use it standalone for maximum flexibility.
List is a purely functional alternative to arrays. It is an implementation of a fast persistent sequence data structure. Compared to JavaScript’s Array List has three major benefits.
Learn Enough JavaScript to Be Dangerous
Learn how to use JavaScript as a general-purpose programming language
A blazing fast flame graph tool for Node and V8. Used to visualize and explore performance profiling results. Designed to produce fast, lightweight flame graphs that remain responsive even on really big input.
SpreadJS 纯前端表格控件V11.1
Spread 是一系列功能和Excel类似的表格工具,支持桌面、Web和移动平台开发,用于在您的应用系统中实现Excel导入导出、表格数据录入和编辑等交互功能,并提供灵活的定制能力和丰富的数据可视化效果。Spread 在功能和布局上与Excel高度相似,全系列包括适用于前端平台SpreadJS,.NET平台的Spread Studio,以及通过代码即可在应用程序中批量操作Excel的Spread表格组建,适应不同开发场景的需求。
A pure JavaScript implementation of git for node and browsers! 另附:GitHub Contribution Chart Generator
You can now run Linux apps on Chrome OS
Soon, if you want to run Linux apps on your Chrome OS machine, all you’ll have to do is switch a toggle in the Settings menu. That’s because Google is going to start shipping Chrome OS with a custom virtual machine that runs Debian Stretch, the current stable version of the operating system.
Announcing glom: Restructured Data for Python
This post introduces glom, Python’s missing operator for nested objects and data. 另附:Pyre: Fast Type Checking for Python.
What’s new in Material Design?
Google wants Material Design to be much more than just another Visual language. Google is building tools to improve our design-development workflow! Here are the big announcement made in this year’s Google I/O: Material Theming, Gallery.
Top UX Inspirations of all time!
Good UI design facilitates making the completion of tasks as frictionless as possible and increasing usability. Good design is like a refrigerator — when it works, no one notices, but when it doesn’t, it sure stinks.
40 Brutally Honest Logos Of Famous Companies
另附:Designer Creates 50 Logos From Strangers’ Requests In 32 Hours
Fonts for Complex Data
Retail displays, packaged goods, financial reports and apps all present readers with a dizzying array of data. Here are a few ways to make quick work of their long lists, tiny annotations, and mighty stacks of numbers.
UX Design Glossary: How to Use Affordances in User Interfaces
Affordance is a property or feature of an object which presents a prompt on what can be done with this object. In short, affordances are cues which give a hint how users may interact with something, no matter physical or digital. For example, when you see a door handle, it is a prompt you can use it to open the door. When you see a receiver icon, it gives you a hint you may click it to make a call. Affordances make our life easier as they support our successful interactions with the world of physical things and virtual objects.
How LEGO Run Design Sprints at Scale
LEGO are one of the first companies that I have seen implementing Design Sprints, at scale, across their organisation, which is kind of unbelievable considering that they are a company that produces physical products, not just digital ones.
Tech’s Two Philosophies
Tech’s Yin and Yang. That there are two philosophies does not necessarily mean that one is right and one is wrong: the reality is we need both. Some problems are best solved by human ingenuity, enabled by the likes of Microsoft and Apple; others by collective action. That, though, gets at why Google and Facebook are fundamentally more dangerous: collective action is traditionally the domain of governments, the best form of which is bounded by the popular will. Google and Facebook, on the other hand, are accountable to no one. Both deserve all of the recent scrutiny they have attracted, and arguably deserve more.
From extraction to empowerment: a better future for data for development
During Open Government Week we’ve been thinking about what needs to be done to put citizens at the center of data initiatives in a way that gives them meaningful influence in the decisions that affect their daily lives.