FEX 技术周刊 - 2018/11/12
A Netflix Web Performance Case Study
There are no silver bullets to web performance. Simple static pages benefit from being server-rendered with minimal JavaScript. Libraries can provide great value for complex pages when used with care. 另附:How we made Carousell’s mobile web experience 3x faster、Improve Animated GIF Performance With HTML5 Video、译-轻松实现 Web 性能优化、.
Getafix: How Facebook tools learn to fix bugs automatically
Getafix is deployed in Facebook to automatically suggest fixes for the null dereference bugs that Infer reports, as well as to suggest fixes for the null dereference-related crash errors that Sapienz flags. It is also being used to resolve code quality concerns that are found when revisiting existing code with newer versions of Infer. 另附:Open-sourcing FBGEMM for state-of-the-art server-side inference.
Programming Paradigms for Dummies: What Every Programmer Should Know
This chapter gives an introduction to all the main programming paradigms, their underlying concepts, and the relationships between them. We give a broad view to help programmers choose the right concepts they need to solve the problems at hand. We give a taxonomy of almost 30 useful programming paradigms and how they are related. Most of them differ only in one or a few concepts, but this can make a world of difference in programming.
How to Design Software Good
Haiku is an operating system which is known for its speed and being easy for anyone to use. This is partly because good programmers try to design their apps for more than just themselves. We are going to examine how you can also make your program more appealing. The reason is easy: easier to use means more people using your program. Writing good software can be hard, but it is worth the time and effort.
10 月 27 日,82 期百度技术沙龙,邀请了数位百度前端技术部 Web 前端资深研发工程师,从 Web 前端技术出发,通过五个主题,立足现在面向未来,由内到外地分享百度在搜索组件化的探索、搜索体验增强、开放 Web 速度优化及开放 Web 未来发展发面的技术沉淀和积累。
Taro 1.1 发布,全面支持微信/百度/支付宝 小程序
为了降低多端应用的开发成本,在已全面支持 微信小程序 的基础上,Taro 在 1.1 版本中加入了对 百度智能小程序 和 支付宝小程序 的支持。
写给自己看的display: grid布局教程
在我看来,Grid布局就像是“分田种地”。故事是这样的,张老板是个程序员,省吃俭用攒了点小钱,然后老家因为城镇化建设,农村都没什么人,土地都荒废在那里,于是就承包了一块地,打算养养鱼,种种果树。承包的地方很挺大,如何划分土地就成了问题,于是张老板打算借助Grid布局来划分。另附:CSS Frameworks Or CSS Grid: What Should I Use For My Project、How Basecamp Uses CSS Grid in Production.
Beyond console.log()
There is more to debugging JavaScript than console.log to output values. It might seem obvious I’m going to pimp the debugger, but actually no.
Cross-language Performance Profile Exploration with speedscope
The goal of speedscope is to provide a 60fps way of interactively exploring large performance profiles from a variety of profilers for a variety of programming languages. It runs totally in-browser, and does not send any profiling data to any servers. Because it runs totally in-browser, it should work in Firefox and Chrome on Mac, Windows, and Linux. It can be downloaded to run offline, either from npm, or just as a totally standalone zip file.
Visualizing Your Data With MongoDB Charts
If you have data that needs to be visually analyzed in MongoDB, MongoDB Charts is a terrific option. Prior to MongoDB Charts, there were really three ways to visualize your MongoDB Data.
webLyzard’s Visual Exploration of Sustainability Communication with Elasticsearch
The Elasticsearch-powered visual analytics dashboard is a semantic search and visual content exploration system used to identify opinion leaders and analyze the public debate by topic and geographic location. The custom-built dashboard synchronizes multiple views in real time and uses aggregations to convey context information through a portfolio of visual tools (a recent IEEE Systems article provides additional information on the underlying knowledge extraction and visualization methods).
OWASP Releases a Report on Serverless Security Risks
OWASP Serverless Top 10 aims at educating practitioners and organizations about the consequences of the most common serverless application security vulnerabilities, as well as providing basic techniques to identify and protect against them.
Cross shard transactions at 10 million requests per second
This blog post focuses on our recent deployment of cross shard transactions, which addressed this deficiency in Edgestore’s API, allowing atomic transactions across colos. What follows is a description of our design, potential pitfalls one may encounter along the way, and how we safely validated and deployed this new feature to a live application serving more than ten million requests per second.
Cloud Computing without Containers
Cloudflare has a cloud computing platform called Workers. Unlike essentially every other cloud computing platform I know of, it doesn’t use containers or virtual machines. We believe that is the future of Serverless and cloud computing in general, and I’ll try to convince you why.
Design Review: Key-Value Storage
We propose the standardization of a simple key-value storage capability, based on LMDB, that is fast, compact, multi-process-capable, and equally usable from JS, Java, Rust, Swift, and C++.
The History of Unix, Rob Pike
The history of Unix as seen through the eyes of Rob Pike. You will get an insider’s view of the development of some of the key pieces of the modern computing world.
The Illustrated TLS 1.3 Connection - Every Byte Explained
A revised edition in which we dissect the new manner of secure and authenticated data exchange, the TLS 1.3 cryptographic protocol.
Thank you for 100 million repositories
After 10 years and 100 million repositories, we’re only just getting started. Thanks to our users, we’re building something bigger than any single repository or project—a community that’s pushing software forward in tangible ways. So thank you for building with us now and in the years to come. We can’t wait to see what you build together in the next 100 million.
GraphQL Foundation
An open and neutral home for the GraphQL community to enable widespread adoption and help accelerate development and the surrounding ecosystem. 附:Facebook’s GraphQL gets its own open-source foundation、The Road to GraphQL [Book]、Will GraphQL Become a Standard for the New Data Economy..
Writing Quality Vulnerability Reports
npm offers a way for security researchers, package users, package maintainers, and community members to report security vulnerabilities via the “Report a Vulnerability” button on npm Package pages. This provides the community a way to participate in coordinated disclosure with the package maintainer instead of opening a public issue, which could put users at risk.
Trace Context - W3C First Public Working Draft
Distributed tracing is a set of tools and practices to monitor the health and reliability of a distributed application. A distributed application is an application that consists of multiple components that are deployed and operated separately. It is also known as micro-service. The main concept behind distributed tracing is event correlation. Event correlation is a way to correlate events from one component to the events from another. It allows to find the cause-and-effect relationship between these events. For instance – find which user action in a browser caused a failure in the business logic layer.
Announcing Test262 Report
Test262 Report is based on daily runs of Test262, the ECMA-262 (“ECMAScript” or “JavaScript”) test suite, in nightly builds of JavaScript engines, and visualizes at-a-glance status of feature implementation progress.
MemSQL: Now Free to Use
We announced our latest product version, MemSQL 6.7. With this release, MemSQL is now free for everyone to use for databases with up to 128GB of RAM usage, and no limit on database size on disk, including solid state drive (SSD).
NativeScript 5.0 is hot 🔥 out of the oven!
It took us a month more than usual to bake NativeScript 5.0, but what a release it is! It comes out, with many improvements in the developer experience, improved Vue.js support, and enablement of more native features: Hot Module Replacement aka HMR (Beta)…
ZEIT – 2.0
Make Cloud Computing as Easy and Accessible as Mobile Computing. We build products for developers and designers. Our new platform simplifies the organization of your codebase, while dramatically improving the reliability and scalability of your deployments. From the outside, the ease of use of now remains unchanged. Just write code in your favorite language or framework and push. Behind the scenes, Now 2.0 works like an extensible build system and compiler, capable of transforming your sources into static files and serverless functions (lambdas) for production.
Prettier 1.15: HTML, Vue, Angular and MDX Support
This release adds support for HTML, Vue, Angular and MDX. It also respects decorator position, adds an option for JSX single quotes, allows parser inference via shebang, adds support for several new syntax features, and has a few formatting tweaks.
Aurelia 2018 Q3 Report
The third quarter of 2018 was filled with major advances in our vNext Aurelia implementation along with a few cool new updates in today’s Aurelia. Read on to hear about what we’ve accomplished and what’s next as we round out 2018 and head into 2019.
Stylish CLI prompts that are user-friendly, intuitive and easy to create. Prompts should be more like conversations than inquisitions.
JSBI — pure-JavaScript BigInts
JSBI is a pure-JavaScript implementation of the official ECMAScript BigInt proposal, which is on track to become a part of the JavaScript language in the near future.
Day.js 2KB immutable date library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API
Day.js is a minimalist JavaScript library that parses, validates, manipulates, and displays dates and times for modern browsers with a largely Moment.js-compatible API. If you use Moment.js, you already know how to use Day.js.
howler.js - JavaScript audio library for the modern web
howler.js makes working with audio in JavaScript easy and reliable across all platforms.
A fast, light-weight, dependency free, responsive, native scrolling list with paging controls. (1.8kb gzipped!)
React A11y
Warns about potential accessibility issues with your React elements.
Command-line JSON processing tool
Command-line JSON processing tool.
markdown page
Create a webpage with just markdown!
A New Code Editor For The Web
In this article, I’ll cover: A new editor concept for web development; How it makes your workflow MUCH simpler for both content & code edits; How you can save a ton of time in your projects. 体验地址: https://anymod.com
A web app for writing and running SQL queries and visualizing the results. Supports Postgres, MySQL, SQL Server, Crate, Vertica, Presto, and SAP HANA. Other databases potentially supported via unix odbc support.
TabNine is the all-language autocompleter. It uses machine learning to provide responsive, reliable, and relevant suggestions. Traditional autocompleters suggest one word at a time.
Photopea - Online Image Editor
Free online design editor supporting PSD, XCF, Sketch, XD and CDR formats. 附:I made a free alternative to Photoshop, that is used by 1.5 millions of people. Ask me Anything!.
How Data Visualization Became Completely Meaningless
As with any popular idea, “data as art” has produced mixed results. But there is one particular instance of this I want to focus on, and that is the use of data as a fake ingredient. What do I mean by “fake”? Often, data is mentioned in an artwork’s marketing materials but does nothing noticeable or meaningful to the work itself.
Figma year in review: 2018
In 2018, our work is not just about Figma anymore — it’s about our community. From launching our platform to hosting meetups in 17 countries, we spent the past year connecting with the wider world. People are building their own businesses on top of our API, and massive organizations are adopting Figma across departments and teams.
Why Do All Websites Look the Same?
The internet suffers from a lack of imagination, so I asked my students to redesign it.oday’s internet is bland. Everything looks the same: generic fonts, no layouts to speak of, interchangeable pages, and an absence of expressive visual language. Even micro-typography is a mess. Web design today seems to be driven by technical and ideological constraints rather than creativity and ideas. Every page consists of containers in containers in containers; sometimes text, sometimes images. Nothing is truly designed, it’s simply assumed. 另附:What is the future of the web interface?.
The Value Of Storyboarding For Product Design
By creating understandable and tangible visuals, companies will decrease interdepartmental miscommunications and increase overall productivity. This article is for anyone who wants to develop a product and improve internal communication. 另附:Write first: The craft of content-first design
Gamification: A guide for designers to a misunderstood concept
How to build a gamification system the right way and how Fitbit, Waze, and Duolingo use it to enhance their products.
How GitLab makes money
Monetizing open source ≠ an ‘open source’ company. Our CEO Sid Sijbrandij explains how we got over the barriers to monetizing an open source company.
How Medium Transformed Online Publishing by Making Long-Form Content Cool Again
In this post, we’ll be examining the impact that Medium has had on the blogosphere and the wider world of online publishing. Here are some of the topics we’ll be exploring in this article: How Medium’s focus on design and presentation helped popularize long-form writing; Why Medium has consistently struggled to move beyond traditional online publishing business models; How Medium’s old-school attempts to monetize contrast starkly with its genuine innovation as a product. 译文:深度复盘 Medium 发展史:一己之力改变行业格局,但商业化依旧艰难.
腾讯 WE 大会,埋下关乎未来的种子
WE 的意思是 Way to Evolve,意在通过分享最前沿、创新的思想和技术,以激发人们探索改变未来的各种可能性。从 2013 年起,腾讯公司开始举办 WE 大会,到现在已经是第 6 年。历届的嘉宾包括天文学、物理学、生物医疗、人工智能、虚拟现实甚至是科幻文学领域的大咖。附:腾讯要做别人做不到的事、见证腾讯这十年:外人只看到光鲜,痛苦只有自己消解。