FEX 技术周刊 - 2019/12/30
What Are the React Team Principles?
During my time on the React team, I’ve been lucky to see how Jordan, Sebastian, Sophie and other tenured team members approach problems. In this post, I’m distilling what I learned from them into a few high-level technical principles. These principles aren’t meant to be exhaustive. This is my personal attempt to formalize observations about how the React team operates — other team members may have different perspectives.
JavaScript Trends in 2020
2020 is just around the corner, as unbelievable as that sounds. If you’re curious about what the future of the programming world might be, you’re in the right place. We tried to analyze trends in 2019 and want to share some insights into key directions for the JavaScript ecosystem.
Feature watch: ECMAScript 2020
This blog post tracks actual and potential features of ES2020. I will continually update it.
Adaptive Loading - Improving web performance on low-end devices
Adaptive Loading is a web performance pattern where sites not just respond based on screen size - they adapt based on actual device hardware.
从 React 历史的长河里聊虚拟DOM及其价值
Virtual Dom是研发效率和用户体验之间的妥协产物,同时也为后续的React Native等跨端框架提供了基础。虽然Vue、React都采用了Virtual Dom的设计方式,但始终不存在最好的,仅仅是最适合而已。
云开发是一种解决方案,它解决的问题是:如何以更高效地方式进行软件开发?作为 v0.1.0 的定义,我对它的定义可能还不是非常准确,但是重点有这么几个:以共同协作的方式开发软件,软件开发的在线闭环,应用生命周期的代码化和可追溯。你看吧,我们过去解决了一个又一个的线下协作问题,现在构建新的线上协作平台的时机已经逐渐成熟了,是时候开始准备构建你们的云开发平台。
前端工程化下一站: IDE
随着前端开发的发展更迭,前端日常开发工作变得愈发复杂愈发深入,同时前端工程中从项目初始化、编译、构建到发布、运维也变得细化而成熟。日常前端工作的每个环节都涌现出丰富的工具、服务和解决方案来解决工程效率的问题。那么,前端工程化的下一阶段的突破口是什么,我们期望通过 IDE 的方式和视角来找寻答案。
为了让大家有更好的体感,我们先来看一个案例。这个案例是使用code mirror 加 antd tab 组件加 gravity 做的一个实时预览。大家可以通过这个 gif 能看到,我变更js文件或者样式文件的时候,在右侧这个预览区域可以进行实时的更新,那这部分的能力完全由浏览器作为支撑在提供出来,并不涉及本地 server 或者 远程 server 能力的输出。
什么是 GraphQL?
GraphQL 是一种针对 Graph(图状数据)进行查询特别有优势的 Query Language(查询语言),所以叫做 GraphQL。它跟 SQL 的关系是共用 QL 后缀,就好像「汉语」和「英语」共用后缀一样,但他们本质上是不同的语言。GraphQL 跟用作存储的 NoSQL 没有必然联系,虽然 GraphQL 背后的实际存储可以选择 NoSQL 类型的数据库,但也可以用 SQL 类型的数据库,或者任意其它存储方式(例如文本文件、存内存里等等)。
How I made The Periodic Table with CSS Grid and React
I was looking into the periodic table and trying to memorize all the elements in order. One afternoon I thought, hey can I make the periodic table with my current CSS skills?
How to create a yin-yang symbol with pure CSS
One way to practice CSS is to recreate pictures, icons, or drawings with pure CSS. In this tutorial, we’ll create a yin-yang symbol with pure CSS and only one line of HTML. We’ll review the usage of pseudo-classes and different border properties, and you’ll see how easy a task like this can be if you hone your skills and practice regularly.
VS Code goes online!
In this short blog post, I’d like to talk about how VS Code can be used remotely with nothing more than a web server and a browser. We’ll talk about why you might be interested in all of this in the first place, how it all could work and what are some of the available implementations of this concept. Let’s get into it!
Go + Services = One Goliath Project
As of December 2019, we have our first few Go services running in production behind an Apollo GraphQL gateway. These services are pretty small today, because the way we’re doing the migration is very incremental. For us, 2020 is going to be filled with technical challenge and opportunity: Converting a large Python monolith to GraphQL-based services in Go. We’re excited about this project, which we’ve named Goliath (you can probably imagine all of the “Go-” names we considered!).
My Business Card Runs Linux
I taught myself a lot on this project: it’s my first project using a reflow oven to solder the parts. I also had to learn how to find resources for poorly-documented parts. There was a lot more to it than what I touched on in this quick presentation; again, if you want to see how the sausage gets made, see also my companion detailed write-up. I drew from my existing experience with embedded Linux and designing PCBs. It isn’t flawless, but it’s a pretty good representation of my abilities. If you’d like to learn how to do this kind of thing, you might also be interested in my ongoing Mastering Embedded Linux series! I’m walking through how to build hardware and software from scratch for tiny, cheap Linux systems much like my business card. 另附:Learning hardware programming as a software engineer.
KISS, DRY, and Code Principles Every Developer Should Follow
The secrets of successful software engineers.
Readable Code
Good code needs to meets two key requirements. First, it should be correct: when executing, it should produce the result that is expected. Second, it should be easy to read for other developers. Coding is a social activity. Your code does not exist in a vacuum, just implementing a lone task. The code you write will be re-read by many other developers, who want to either understand or modify how your code works.
腾讯开源内部跨端框架 Hippy,打磨三年,日均 PV 过亿
在腾讯内部,Hippy 已运行3年之久,跨 BG 共有 18 款线上业务正在使用 Hippy,日均 PV 过亿,且已建立一套完整生态。相较于其他跨端框架,Hippy 对前端开发者更友好:紧贴 W3C 标准,遵从网页开发各项规则,使用 JavaScript 为开发语言,同时支持 React 和 Vue 两种前端主流框架。
SpriteJS 3.0 正式发布 —— 针对可视化大屏渲染优化性能提升10倍+
SpriteJS 3.0 正式版于12月26日发布,这一版与2.x最大的区别是,2.x采用canvas2d渲染,而3.x默认采用WebGL2渲染,在不支持WebGL2的环境中会依次降级为WebGL和canvas2d。因为使用WebGL2渲染,使得框架在利用GPU渲染和优化方面比2.x有质的突破,从而带来了性能的巨大提升。经过初步测试,在渲染同样的精灵元素时,3.x的性能平均是2.x的2倍,这个性能优势会随着精灵数量的增多而增加,最多的情况下可以达到6-10倍。也就是说,在原本2.x下渲染fps大概15帧左右的应用,在3.x下可以达到流畅的60fps。
WebAssembly 2019 Year In Review
I’ve been authoring the WebAssembly Weekly newsletter for just over two years now. As we near the end of 2019 I want to take the opportunity to share some of my favourite articles from the year. From funky demos, to big announcements, this is my 2019 in review …
The Year in Math and Computer Science
Mathematicians and computer scientists made big progress in number theory, graph theory, machine learning and quantum computing, even as they reexamined our fundamental understanding of mathematics and neural networks.
Microsoft Research 2019 reflection—a year of progress on technology’s toughest challenges
Research is about achieving long-term goals, often through incremental progress. As the year comes to an end, it’s a good time to step back and reflect on the work that researchers at Microsoft and their collaborators have done to advance the state of the art in computing, particularly by increasing the capabilities and reach of AI and delivering technology experiences that are more inclusive, secure, and accessible. This covers only a sliver of all the amazing work Microsoft Research has accomplished this year, and we encourage you to discover more of the hundreds of projects undertaken in 2019 by exploring our blog further.
OpenJS Foundation Year in Review
We couldn’t ring in the new year without taking a walk down OpenJS Foundation memory lane and looking back at some amazing community milestones and moments. While we take this time to reflect on the big strides this community has made, we are also thrilled for what’s to come. Thanks to all who make the OpenJS Foundation all that it is!
Best Talks of 2019
Volument is analytics for the Slack generation. To be launched in 2020, we aim to change the way people measure and optimize their websites.
22120 - Local Node.js app to save everything you browse and serve it offline
An archivist browser controller that caches everything you browse, a library server with full text search to serve your archive. Like binaries?
**What the f-ck Python! **
Exploring and understanding Python through surprising snipp
Spotify Daily
Spotify Daily is an iOS application that allows users to pull in new song releases from their favorite artists and provides users with important metrics like their top tracks, top artists, and recently played tracks, queryable by time range. Architecture: MVVM + Coordinator + RxSwift.
darktable 3.0
darktable is an open source photography workflow application and raw developer. A virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers. It manages your digital negatives in a database, lets you view them through a zoomable lighttable and enables you to develop raw images and enhance them.
Open-source illustrations for every project you can imagine and create. A constantly updated collection of beautiful svg images that you can use completely free and without attribution. Create better looking landing pages, mobile apps and products. 另附:13 places to find Beautiful Free Illustrations - Prototypr.
Google Design’s Best of 2019
The notable products, experiments, and redesigns that made our year.
State of Design Systems 2019
A community survey on the emerging trends, evolving uses, and growing importance of design systems.
Data-Driven Design Is Killing Our Instincts
Valuing data over design instinct puts metrics over users. Data needn’t be the enemy of instinct. They can work hand in hand to balance the design process. After all, instinct is built upon years of observing the world — it’s nothing but data that’s so deeply integrated that it no longer feels external. Trusting our instinct means obeying long-term trends. Pair it with short-term data and you’ve got the recipe for faultless design decision making.
5 Design Books to buy for 2020
Sharing the books that changed my design work in 2019. 这本书 The Best Interface Is No Interface 有点意思。另附:Resources for Learning UX in 2020.
想要提高工作效率,你得先用好它 - RPA+AI机器人
这个世界上有一些人,一旦在某个领域获得成功之后,他几乎可以在每一个领域都获得成功。 为什么会有这样的人存在呢?这背后,其实也是有商业逻辑的。人生,其实就是一种商业模式。人生商业模式 = 能力 * 效率 * 杠杆。有的人,用这三者换回了全世界。而有的人,却一无所获。今天的文章,我就来系统地跟你聊一聊:人生商业模式中的能力、效率和杠杆。