FEX 技术周刊 - 2018/10/22
GitHub Universe
GitHub Universe is a conference for the builders, planners, and leaders defining the future of software.
附:Future of Software: Developers at the center of the universe、GitHub launches Actions, its workflow automation tool、GitHub发布史上最大更新,年度报告出炉、Get ready! Game Off returns in November.
IMWeb Conf2018
附:IMWeb Conf2018 Native跨端融合总结
V8 release v7.0
V8 version 7.0, which is in beta until its release in coordination with Chrome 70 Stable in several weeks. V8 v7.0 is filled with all sorts of developer-facing goodies. This post provides a preview of some of the highlights in anticipation of the release.
Version 7 of Angular — CLI Prompts, Virtual Scroll, Drag and Drop and more
TThis is a major release spanning the entire platform, including the core framework, Angular Material, and the CLI with synchronized major versions. This release contains new features for our tool chain, and has enabled several major partner launches.
Modern Microprocessors A 90-Minute Guide!
A brief, pulls-no-punches, fast-paced introduction to the main design aspects of modern processor microarchitecture.
33 Concepts Every JavaScript Developer Should Know
This repository was created with the intention of helping developers master their concepts in JavaScript. It is not a requirement, but a guide for future studies.
How does front-end debt grow
You may not have control about the latest trends in the industry, but you can do things to keep debt down to make sure your applications are easier to work with.
另附:History of front-end frameworks.
展望 React 17,回顾 React 往事
要讨论未来(React 17),必须要了解过去。以 React 16 为分水岭,我们可以分为两方面来看这个问题:一是为什么,二是怎么办。
SOLID 原则是为构建模块化、可扩展和可组合的封装组件而设计的。Bit 是实践这一原则的一个强大的工具:它能够帮助你在不同的项目中、在团队范围内轻松地隔离、共享和管理这些组件。
做前端、后端还是全栈?做产品还是基础架构?业务和技术哪个更重要?软技能有多重要?那下面由 陈广琛(Cat Chen)来告诉你。本文内容来自于CatChen在第四届FEDAY上关于“点开你的技能树”的演讲,是通过演讲的录音整理而成。关于成长还可以看看:Interview with Gmail Creator and YC Partner Paul Buchheit
中的 How to Become a Great Engineer and Happiness。
Shine a light on JavaScript performance with Lighthouse
Unsure if the cost of JavaScript is too high for your user-experience? Lighthouse has a JavaScript execution time audit that measures the total impact of JavaScript on your page’s load performance.
How Facebook 3D Photos Work
Facebook recently rolled out a new feature, 3D Photos, or, as they call it in their javascript: 2.5D Photos. But how does it work under the hood? I like to learn new ideas by reading other people’s code. So I was curious enough to learn how they implemented this effect at Facebook. Here is the story. If you just want to know the tech, skip to the “how it all works” part.
npm and the future of JavaScript
Three parts: What you should know about npm. What npm knows about you. The future of JavaScript.
Why I no Longer use Redux with React
I used to use Redux with React all the time, but lately I’ve been using different libraries. Why do I no longer use Redux and what do I use instead?
另附:Avoiding unnecessary renders with React context
Rhythm in Web Typography
Horizontal rhythm mostly impacts the legibility, while vertical rhythm impacts the readability of the text and establishes a sense of visual hierarchy.
CSS Border-Radius Can Do That
When you use eight values specifying border-radius in CSS, you can create organic looking shapes. WOW. No time to read it all ?— we made a visual tool for you.
Smart Bundling: How To Serve Legacy Code Only To Legacy Browsers
While effective bundling of resources on the web has received a great deal of mindshare in recent times, how we ship front-end resources to our users has remained pretty much the same. The average weight of JavaScript and style resources that a website ships with is rising — even though build tooling to optimize the website has never been better. With the marketshare of evergreen browsers rising fast and browsers launching support for new features in lockstep, is it time we rethink asset delivery for the modern web?
Replacing the cache replacement algorithm in memcached
In this post we delve into a reworking of memcached’s Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm which was made default when 1.5.0 was released. Most of these features have been available via the “-o modern” switch for years. The 1.5.x series has enabled them all to work in concert to reduce RAM requirements.
MobileLab: Highly accurate testing to prevent mobile performance regressions
At Facebook’s scale, that means checking thousands of commits per day to find regressions as tiny as 1 percent. Previous methods worked well for spotting large performance changes, but to refine the accuracy, we had to build a new system, called MobileLab, in which our tests and environment could be substantially more deterministic. Now in production, MobileLab has already prevented thousands of regressions from shipping, thanks to its ability to detect very small changes in performance (as small as 1 percent for many of our metrics).
Lumen: Custom, Self-Service Dashboarding For Netflix
Netflix generates a lot of data. One of the ways that we gain useful insights is by visualizing that data in dashboards which allow us to comprehend large amounts of information quickly. This is particularly important when operational issues arise as our engineers need to be able to quickly diagnose problem areas and work to correct them.
Uber’s Big Data Platform: 100+ Petabytes with Minute Latency
In this article, we dive into Uber’s Hadoop platform journey and discuss what we are building next to expand this rich and complex ecosystem.
From Data to Action With Airbnb Plus
This summer, I was a Data Science (DS) intern on the new Airbnb Plus team — I had fantastic role models, did meaningful work, developed valuable skills, and made great friends. In this post, I hope to answer some common questions about Data Scientists at Airbnb and shed some light on what a DS intern really does.
Behind the scenes of GitHub Token Scanning
Several years ago we started scanning all pushes to public repositories for GitHub OAuth tokens and personal access tokens. Now we’re extending this capability to include tokens from cloud service providers and additional credentials, such as unencrypted SSH private keys associated with a user’s GitHub account.
Automate Your Documentation
This is a blog version of a talk I gave last week at ReadMe’s conference: API Mixtape Vol. 2. The premise of the talk was how to automate your documentation as much as possible to keep your users happy.
另附:Google - Building great open source documentation.
Reinvent the Social Web
This is a transcript of a talk I gave at Full Stack Fest that acknowledges the success of mobile social platforms, but shows the need to reinvent them with an open and peer-to-peer protocol. I talk about Scuttlebutt, and how to build apps using its tech stack, and I also highlight the importance of its ‘humane’ stack.
Machine learning engineers and data scientists biggest challenge: deploying models at scale
Earlier this year we set out to understand how organizations are reacting and adapting to machine learning, its rate of adoption in the marketplace, and how the industry is evolving. We wanted to understand what our customers’ challenges are as Algorithmia plans to develop products, services, and content to help move the industry forward. We heard from over 500 decision makers at companies representing various sizes and industries. We want to share their knowledge with the industry at large.
How Lisp Became God’s Own Programming Language
Lisp hasn’t survived for over half a century because programmers have begrudgingly conceded that it is the best tool for the job decade after decade; in fact, it has survived even though most programmers do not use it at all. Thanks to its origins and use in artificial intelligence research and perhaps also the legacy of SICP, Lisp continues to fascinate people. Until we can imagine God creating the world with some newer language, Lisp isn’t going anywhere.
Upcoming Workshop - Web Standardization for Graph Data
This workshop brings together people with an interest in the future of standards relating to graph data, and its ever growing importance in relation to the Internet of Things, smart enterprises, smart cities, etc., open markets of services, and synergies with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML).
Dweb: Decentralised, Real-Time, Interoperable Communication with Matrix
Matrix is an open standard for interoperable, decentralised, real-time communication over the Internet. It provides a standard HTTP API for publishing and subscribing to real-time data in specified channels, which means it can be used to power Instant Messaging, VoIP/WebRTC signalling, Internet of Things communication, and anything else that can be expressed as JSON and needs to be transmitted in real-time over HTTP. The most common use of Matrix today is as an Instant Messaging platform.
Watch video using Picture-in-Picture
Picture-in-Picture (PiP) allows users to watch videos in a floating window (always on top of other windows) so they can keep an eye on what they’re watching while interacting with other sites, or applications.
Redis 5 is out!
Redis 5 is finally out… 1 year and 3 months after the release of Redis 4, making Redis having a gestation length surely greater than humans, and very similar to the one of whales.
MongoDB Issues New Server Side Public License for MongoDB Community Server
MongoDB issued a new software license, called Server Side Public License (SSPL), for MongoDB Community Server. The license clearly and explicitly states the conditions of deploying MongoDB - or any other open source project licensed under the SSPL - as a service. All versions of MongoDB’s Community Server released after today, including patch fixes for prior versions, will be licensed under the SSPL.
G2 3.3 琢·磨
G2 是蚂蚁金服数据可视化解决方案 AntV 的一个子产品,是一套数据驱动的、高交互的可视化图形语法。自3.2版本发布以来,我们收到不少图表组件相关的需求和吐槽,团队的工程师们和设计师们倾力合作,经过两个多月密锣紧鼓的开发,G2 3.3版本今天终于和大家见面了。3.3版本为大家带来更丰富、体验更好的图表组件,也带来了新的图表成员:小提琴图,并为大家带来官方精选的图表案例等。
另附,来自 AntV 团队的数据可视化入门教程、《F2 基金可视化方案》发布.
Google - IPv6 breaks the 25% barrier
Google collects statistics about IPv6 adoption in the Internet on an ongoing basis. We hope that publishing this information will help Internet providers, website owners, and policy makers as the industry rolls out IPv6.
The Illustrated TLS Connection
Every byte of a TLS connection explained and reproduced. In this demonstration a client has connected to a server, negotiated a TLS 1.2 session, sent “ping”, received “pong”, and then terminated the session. Click below to begin exploring.
Releasing styled-components v4 final
here’s a quick primer on what’s in this release: Smaller and much, much faster; A refreshed createGlobalStyle API, replacing the old injectGlobal; Support for the “as” prop, a dynamic alternative to .withComponent; Removal of Comp.extend in favor of unifying styled(Comp); Full StrictMode compliance for React v16; Native support for ref on any styled component.
InfernoJS v6.0.0
Inferno is an insanely fast, React-like library for building high-performance user interfaces on both the client and server.
CSS Layout cookbook
The CSS layout cookbook aims to bring together recipes for common layout patterns, things you might need to implement in your own sites. In addition to providing code you can use as a starting point in your projects, these recipes highlight the different ways layout specifications can be used, and the choices you can make as a developer.
LoopBack v4 Released: The Node.js API Framework
LoopBack makes it easy to build modern applications that require complex integrations.
A hackable slideshow framework built with Vue.js.
Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3 v4+.
Omi: Next Generation Web Framework in 4kb JavaScript
Next generation web framework in 4kb JavaScript (Web Components + JSX + Proxy + Store + Path Updating).
Rete.js - Rete is a modular framework for visual programming
Rete allows you to create node-based editor directly in the browser. You can define nodes and workers that allow users to create instructions for processing data in your editor without a single line of code.JavaScript framework for visual programming.
An Introduction to GPU Programming in Julia
This article aims to give a quick introduction about how GPUs work and specifically give an overlook of the current Julia GPU ecosystem and how easy it is to get simple GPU programs running.
Model-Based Machine Learning
In this book we look at machine learning from a fresh perspective which we call model-based machine learning. Model-based machine learning helps to address all of these challenges, and makes the process of creating effective machine learning solutions much more transparent.
Good Performance is Good Design
With more ways to shop and less time to do it, consumers are impatient and increasingly demanding of the products they give their time to. Crafting highly performant digital experiences to meet these expectations means going beyond technical processes that speed up load times. It’s time for designers to own performance as a fundamental principle of good UX. It’s time for Performant Design.
IMDb app redesigned UX & UI
I have been using IMDb’s application for a long time, and I always thought that this app could be better⏤ like so much better. But back then, I had no idea whatsoever about something called user experience, or user interface. Now that I do, I decided to update the whole experience, making it more efficient and better-looking.
Designing for Cognitive Differences
Many affective and anxiety disorders qualify as disabilities, with inattention causing challenges on the web as well. Whatever the cause, inattention, anxiety, and depression can have a major impact on internet usage for users dealing with them. The unique issues presented by cognitive differences and the design considerations they require can be tricky to understand for people who have never dealt with them. Through this article, I’ll share some methods to accommodate these users’ unique needs.
另附:Living in an accessible world、Inclusive Design and Accessibility
Stop building websites with infinite scroll!
While infinite scroll does provide a solution in some cases, it can be less than ideal for users.
The Google+ project and exec team
Now that Google+ has been shuttered, I should air my dirty laundry on how awful the project and exec team was.
另附:Google+:谷歌社交梦碎背后的故事、谷歌计划关闭的可不止 Inbox、Ten years ago today, I had the idea for an app I thought was interesting.
另附:一种神奇而罕见的能力——“略”,论战略不得不提一下毛主席,绝对是 500 年一遇的雄才大略之人,见 为什么有的人年纪轻轻,思想深度却远高于常人。
Jeff Hawkins Is Finally Ready to Explain His Brain Research
Mr. Hawkins says that before the world can build artificial intelligence, it must explain human intelligence so it can create machines that genuinely work like the brain. “You do not have to emulate the entire brain,” he said. “But you do have to understand how the brain works and emulate the important parts.” At his company, called Numenta, that is what he hopes to do. 他多年前写的 人工智能的未来 这本书对我们理解 AI 非常有参考意义。