FEX 技术周刊 - 2019/12/09
Declarative assembly of web applications from pre-defined concepts
A new approach to web application development is presented, in which an application is constructed by configuring and composing concepts drawn from a catalog developed by experts. The platform (framework) for building these applications is called Déjà Vu, and the unit of abstraction in Déjà Vu is a Concept. Concepts are more closely aligned with application features than with e.g. class-level components. Examples are commenting, scoring, and so on.
What’s New for Node.js in 2020
Every year the Node.js community has gained momentum, and 2020 shows no signs of slowing down. There are lots of interesting features being explored for the next major releases of Node.js. In this post I’ll explore some of the most significant updates the Node.js community can expect in 2020.
JavaScript, ES6, ES7, ES10 where are we?
Because I believe everybody should be concerned about when we’re finally getting a replaceAll function in JS, let’s sit and have a bit of a retrospective on what is the current state of the ES-scene. What’s coming, what’s been fully integrated since the infancy of Babel and ES6? After reading this article, you will be an ES-10/10! 另附:Optional Chaining Has Reached Stage 4 at TC39, Here’s what people in tech had to say about JavaScript when it debuted in 1995.
Blockly Summit 2019: Rendering, Accessibility, and More!
The library provides everything an app developer needs to create rich block coding languages and is highly customizable and extensible. This means Blockly is also used by hobbyists and commercial companies alike for business logic, computer games, virtual reality, robotics, and just about anything else you can do with code.
Good code is 90% boilerplate
Im going to stop here rather than going on to maven files, build scripts, etc, which (spoiler alert) just lead to more boilerplate. At the bottom of this article we show the complete UnitilyLang project. It’s 2106 characters. The total Java codebase is 22084 characters. So we can build the same project in UnitilyLang with 90% less code.
长期开发同一类系统的团队都会积累出一套自己的“低代码开发平台”,可能是以代码框架,代码模块,代码模板,拖拽式工具等等不同的形式体现。但这个平台不是给普通用户用的,是给专业开发人员用的,可以极大的提高开发这一类应用的速度。这也是为什么市面上的低代码开发平台产品很多是由外包团队开发出来的。然而这里的限制就是 A 团队长期开发金融类应用,积累了一套针对金融风控类需求的低代码开发平台,B 团队积累的是零售电商领域的,C 团队可能是能源监控领域的,我从来没有见过一个通用领域玩得转的低代码平台。技术的发展日新月异,特别是前端技术,基本上两三年就要换新套路。然而低代码平台很难跟得上这样的节奏,因为积累需要时间。结果就是,你看到的企业应用/政府应用,技术落后,体验差。总结而言,通用的低代码开发平台不可能实现,跟现有业务平台绑定的低代码开发会有一定的价值。
Web Development in 2020: What You Should Learn
Brad cuts through a lot of the hype you hear on social media. His advice is practical and realistic. And I agree with him on pretty much everything he recommends you learn.
Is it time to move on from Virtual DOM(ReactJS)?
Web Component specification enables capabilities to extend existing HTML elements. This gave rise to HTML extension model (Custom HTML elements )was picking up. However, it was nowhere close to being adopted by the browsers natively, but this inspired a new era of component-based JS frameworks, including AngularJS(by Google) and React(by Facebook).
Introducing React View, an Interactive Playground for Your Components
React View is a set of tools that aspires to close the gap between users, developers and designers of component libraries. React View aims to make documentation more interactive and useful. It utilizes already popular tools such as babel and prettier.
Docz - It has never been so easy to document your things!
Docz enables you to quickly create live-reloading, seo-friendly, production-ready documentation sites with MDX and customize the look, feel and behavior when required by leveraging GatsbyJS and Gatsby theme shadowing.
A Redux Anti Pattern
Aimed at developers already using Redux, this well presented slide-deck gives a practical example of how to structure actions in a scalable and decoupled way. On Twitter, Pablo Hoc noted that “these slides should be in the official Redux docs. So clear and concise.”
Electron’s ‘remote’ module considered harmful
Since the very earliest versions of Electron, the remote module has been the go-to tool for communicating between the main and renderer processes. The basic premise is this: from the renderer process, you ask remote for a handle to an object in the main process. Then you can use that handle just as if it were a normal JavaScript object in the renderer process—calling methods, awaiting promises, and registering event handlers. All the IPC calls between the renderer and main process are handled for you behind the scenes. Super convenient! … until it isn’t. Almost every nontrivial Electron app that has used the remote module—Slack included—has ended up regretting their decision. Here’s why.
Data Transfer Project: Enabling portability of photos and videos between services
we are announcing a new tool on Facebook that allows people to transfer photos and videos directly from Facebook to Google Photos. We plan to expand this to other services in the near future. This tool will begin rolling out in Ireland today and will be available worldwide in early 2020.
All the Serverless announcements at re:Invent 2019
If last year is any indication, we expect AWS to have a long list of serverless-centered announcements and launches. If you want to keep up, you’ve come to the right place. We’re watching all the keynotes and announcements live as they happen, and compiling the “what it is” and the “why it matters” right here.
DeepSpeech 0.6: Mozilla’s Speech-to-Text Engine Gets Fast, Lean, and Ubiquitous
Our latest release, version v0.6, offers the highest quality, most feature-packed model so far. In this overview, we’ll show how DeepSpeech can transform your applications by enabling client-side, low-latency, and privacy-preserving speech recognition capabilities. 另附:Firefox 71: A year-end arrival.
W3C Recommends WebAssembly to push the limits for speed, efficiency and responsiveness
The WebAssembly Working Group has published today the three WebAssembly specifications as W3C Recommendations, marking the arrival of a new language for the Web which allows code to run in the browser.
CKEditor 5 v16.0.0 with code blocks and restricted editing
We are happy to announce the release of CKEditor 5 v16.0.0 that introduces two major and frequently requested features. The developers will be happy to hear that they can now insert code blocks to their WYSIWYG editor. The new restricted editing feature allows you to create templates and restrict editing to chosen areas only. But there is more — so read on!
We did it! How a comment on HackerNews lead to 4 ½ new Unicode characters
This is the (brief) story of how a couple of geeks added 4 new symbols to Unicode!
Elastic UI framework
The Elastic UI framework (EUI) is a design library in use at Elastic to build internal products that need to share our aesthetics. It distributes UI React components and static assets for use in building web layouts.
Reactide - The first dedicated IDE for React web application development
Reactide is in active development. Please follow this repo for contribution guidelines and our development road map. Reactide is a cross-platform desktop application that offers a simulator, made for live reloading and quick React component prototyping. React brings an integrated suite of development tools to streamline react development.
Got - Human-friendly and powerful HTTP request library for Node.js
Human-friendly and powerful HTTP request library for Node.js.
Stylish, intuitive and user-friendly prompts. 另附:Ervy - Bring charts to terminal.
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings.
Django 3.0 release notes
What’s new in Django 3.0: MariaDB support, ASGI support, Exclusion constraints on PostgreSQL, Filter expressions, Enumerations for model field choices.
Metaflow, Netflix’s Python framework for data science, is now open source
Successful data science projects are delivered by data scientists who can build, improve, and operate end-to-end workflows independently, focusing more on data science, less on engineering.
MemSQL 7.0 Now Generally Available
MemSQL is the cloud-native, operational database built for SPEED & SCALE. Realize the full potential of your business through data and redefine the limits of what’s possible.
moxie: incremental declarative UI in Rust
moxie is a small incremental computing runtime focused on efficient declarative UI, written in Rust. moxie itself aims to be platform-agnostic, offering tools to higher-level crates that work on specific platforms. Most applications using moxie will do so through bindings between the runtime and a concrete UI system like the web or a consumer desktop platform.
BPF: A New Type of Softwar
BPF (and eBPF) was originally designed to capture and filter network packets using various rules, but you can use the interface they provide with the kernel to do other things too (under what Brendan calls a ‘new model of programming’) such as intelligent load balancing, DDoS mitigation, observability, and more.
The lightweight, distributed relational database built on SQLite
SwiftLaTeX is a Web-browser based editor to create PDF documents such as reports, term projects, slide decks, in the typesetting system LaTeX. In contrast to other web-based editors SwiftLaTeX is true WYSIWYG, What-you-see-is-what-you-get: You edit directly in a representation of the print output. You can import a LaTeX document at any stage of completeness into SwiftLaTeX. You can start a new document with SwiftLaTeX, or you can use SwiftLaTeX for final copy-editing.
Urbit - Your last computer
Imagine that you can login from anywhere with one name and password. And when you do, your entire OS appears. Inside is your whole digital life. All of your communities, conversations, and connections. All of your biometric data and devices. Your entire personal archive in one place that’s secure, private, and designed to last forever. You own and control this OS completely. It’s yours. No one else can look at it without your permission, it can never show you ads. This is what Urbit is. Your Urbit is a simple, durable computer that belongs to you 100% and forever. Urbit is not vaporware. It’s real and it works. Two separate companies and a community of contributors are working together to build the Urbit future.
GNUnet is a new network protocol stack for building secure, distributed, and privacy-preserving applications. With strong roots in academic research, our goal is to replace the old insecure Internet protocol stack. GNUnet is typically run as an overlay network on top of the existing Internet infrastructure forming the basis of a hybrid peer-to-peer mesh and relay backbone for applications to run on. It could just as well be run independently of the Internet, over dedicated radio and cable. GNUnet is made for a free and open society: It’s a self-organizing network and it is free software as in freedom. GNUnet puts you in control of your data. You determine which data to share with whom, and you’re not pressured to accept compromises.
T2020潘通年度流行色 「经典蓝」新鲜出炉!
这款被命名为为「经典蓝」(Classic Blue)的色彩沉稳耐看,隽永优雅,按照潘通官方的说法,「经典蓝」仿佛暮色四合时的天空,宁神静心,让人驻足。「经典蓝」是一种稳固可靠的色彩,给人确信感,抚慰着每一个期待稳定者的心灵。
GitLab Iconography: MVC meets visual design
A minimum viable change approach for a key UI element
Cracking the Code to Mobile Productivity
Our global journey to rethink, redesign, and align our mobile experiences.
Get Started With UI Design With These Tips To Speed Up Your Workflow
When you are working on a design, do you struggle with all of the possibilities, like whether to make some text block bigger or smaller, or increase (or decrease) the amount of white space around an element. And what about this color: Should it be darker, or maybe lighter? In this article, I’ll share a few tips on how to solve these common issues and how to make your design more consistent and user-friendly.
The State of UX for 2020
We expect 2020 to be a momentous year in the space of UX design. New technology and user experience trends during the last decade have made competition across most modern industries tougher than ever before. Naturally, this motivates businesses to put even a greater focus on the user experience.
Sketch 61 — Improvements to Help You Work Faster
The last few versions of Sketch introduced features that changed our workflow radically. Smart Layout opened us for new Symbols abilities. New Components Panel made the way we work with Styles & Symbols faster, but very different. Now Sketch Team focused on more subtle improvements but also make our work more convenient. 另附:Design more, resize less, with Auto Layout, How to find the best design-to-code tool?.
Reddit’s 2019 Year in Review
Highlighting Reddit’s top communities, topics and trends of the year.
对数据可视化有兴趣的可以阅读由 AntV 带来的 墨者修齐 2019-12-09·如何搜索恐怖袭击、德国低薪人的租房压力、美国移民的来源